
April Recap (I’m back, baby!)

I’ve been drawing in my spare time for months now, and with the response to my Alison Roman drawing, I decided to revive and refresh my website. So here I am! 

April felt endless, yet somehow passed in a blur. I started working from home on March 13th, and Alan’s school went remote a week later. Our original plan was for my last day of work to be April 3rd, for us to go to Egypt from April 6th-19th, and then move to Atlanta on May 1st (Alan would stay in DC with a friend until school ended in July) to begin nursing school at Emory. But on March 8th, news started coming out that American tourists had picked up coronavirus on Nile cruises in Egypt. The next day, our office announced that someone in our building had contracted the virus. Within a few days, our office was closed and our flights were cancelled. 

We’re really fortunate in so many respects, and we were able to move out of our apartment and move to my Mom’s house in the Hudson River Valley to save money before moving to Atlanta. My summer semester is going to be online from May to August, so we’ll both be here through July. It’s possible that Alan’s school in DC will reopen before the school year is finished, in which case he’ll go back and crash with a friend. Hopefully it won’t be too hard for him to get a job in Atlanta now that things are (foolishly or not) beginning to reopen there.

We’ve been in Catskill for just under a month, and I’m having absolutely zero trouble staying isolated with my parents, cats, and husband. I cook dinner almost every night (my parents like to order takeout on Fridays, and Alan cooks once a week or so), I try to get out for a jog when the weather is nice, and I’m drawing up a storm. I feel very lucky, and I’m enjoying this time to the fullest while it lasts.

December, 2020; the pandemic continues

DC's Outdoor Movies

DC's Outdoor Movies